Do you have any questions for our speakers? Drop your questions here and we will forward your question to the moderator to ask it at the event.

saturday mock voir dire:
On Saturday, hear from a group of leading trial lawyers and a jury selection specialist on how to pick a jury. While they are working hard behind the scenes to put together an incredible presentation for you, use this forum to ask any pressing voir dire-related questions you have. Attorneys Christa Ramey, Lourdes DeArmas and Siannah Collado-Boutte, together with jury consultant Claire Plotkin, will address any issues you have when picking a jury.
Post a question on Facebook or email Saturday's moderator, Rabiah Rahman, here:
On Sunday, some of our leading trial lawyers will get together and discuss their careers in a question and answer format. Ibiere Seck, Debbie Chang, Candice Klein, Dena Weiss and Micha Liberty will talk about their successes, their pitfalls and tell you what made them into the successful trial lawyers they are today. Ask a question of the group or the attorneys individually.
Post a question on Facebook or email Sunday's moderator, Rachel Gezerseh, here:
Finally, on Monday--just before our Farewell Brunch--you will hear attorneys Neyleen Beljajev-Ortiz, Britany Engelman-Hicks, Griselda Rodriguez and Taly Goody (who will hopefully be appearing virtually) talk about how they took the brave leap and started their own firms. If you are considering starting your own firm, this is not one to miss! Be sure to tell us here if you have any questions for the group or any of the attorneys individually.
Post a question on Facebook or email Monday's moderator, Casey Hultin, here: